Project "Cap à l'ombre"


"Cap'à l'ombre", trees to shade the bus stops!

Project "Cap à l'ombre"
  • On Friday, December 9, 2022, Keolis Agde, delegate of the Cap'Bus network, launched the "Cap à l'ombre" project, in partnership with its Mobility Organizing Authority, the Agglo Hérault Méditerranée.

    The principle: To offer more comfort to passengers, the Cap'à l'ombre project consists of creating cool islands near bus stops exposed to the summer sun. This project is also part of a genuine environmental approach, and also contributes to the improvement of air quality and biodiversity. Nearly 20 trees will be planted in 2023, including American Beech trees, which are very resistant to heat.

    We thank the BNL nursery for their participation in this beautiful project, as well as the Communauté d'Agglomération Hérault Méditerranée.

    Did you know that ? planting a tree generates the following benefits?

    • Climate: 579 km by car compensated
    • Biodiversity: 3 animal shelters created
    • Health: 4 months of oxygen generated
    • Employment: 1 hour of work created.